
Photo by Eric Pickersgill, "Angie snappin' pics," North Carolina, 2014

Founder and CEO
Mike Farrell

Michelle Legro

Art Director
Matthew Curry

Copy Editing
Alison Aves

Brian Calvert
Toni Lorente
Nicolas Moës
Malka Older
Lorena O'Neil
Eric Pickersgill

Compiler Board Members
David Grant
Melanie Teplinsky

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Compiler Media, Inc.
PO Box 21095
Washington, D.C. 20009

Compiler is a nonprofit newsroom that will report on the people, institutions and global forces shaping our digital future. It will deliver expert journalism, ideas and research to better inform critical decisions about the role of technology in society. Supported by the Hewlett Foundation, Compiler will expand access to policy news and elevate diverse views. This is a publication for and about people making tech policy or working to influence it — from anywhere in the world.

No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed without the permission of the writers and photographers. All writers maintain their own copyright for the articles constrained within this edition. 

Photos from the Eric Pickersgill Removed series are Copyright © Eric Pickersgill 2024. For information about reprints or obtaining copies of his work, please contact Eric at